Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The success of students in different stages of education depends on a number of factors, most importantly the commitment, and the absence of frequent absence from school because this affects negatively on academic achievement, and in the next lines of this article will introduce dear reader on the impact of the absence of students on academic achievement .. only prefer Continue.

First, the absence and its causes. Absence means that the student does not go to school, and the obligation to attend classes without any excuses or reasons. The phenomenon of absenteeism is one of the most serious phenomena that have recently spread among many students in the different academic stages. Students are interested in going to school between reasons related to students, and others related to the school and those conducting the educational process, and the most important reasons associated with students lack of desire, and the motivation of the student to attend classes Sawa if it is because of the difficulty of curricula, Or problems between the students There is a group of students suffering from laziness, they have a fear of going to school, another group is forced to leave because of a certain illness problem, as well as weather fluctuations.

It is also noteworthy that the irregularity of students in the sleep schedules and the class of a group of them for late times and after the distances between the school and the homes of students and the lack of material ability in the family of students to participate in the vehicles allocated for the transfer of students from their homes to school, and the reasons associated with the school and Teacher There are a group of teachers who follow the methods of violence in dealing with students and this is what drives students to absent from school to escape these methods and the lack of school activities, and methods that attract students and encourage them to education.

Second, how does absenteeism affect student achievement? The absence of the students' academic future is detrimental to the following:

- This causes the student not to receive a full explanation of the lessons.
- Increase the failure rate of students in solving the tests and their failure.
- Frequent negative criticism directed to the student by his colleagues in the study, and by teachers.
- The frequent reliance on private lessons, and this leads to the burden of the family material burden.

How to get rid of the problem of absence from school ..? There are a number of methods that can be relied upon to eliminate this problem, the most important of which are the following:

* Awareness-raising sessions should be held for parents, during which the damage of absenteeism will be placed on the interest of their children.
* To limit students who have been absent for more than five days, and then hold a meeting with them and identify the reasons for repeating their absence from school. If there are reasons related to the school teachers or the methods used by the school administration, And seeks to strengthen the student's relationship with the teacher and his school.
* There should be periodic follow-up of parents to their children because there are students who go out of school without the knowledge of parents, and on the other hand, this follow-up benefit to know the level of the student.
* The keenness of schools and educational institutions to acquire the means and methods of modern education that attract students to go to school.
* Warning students that repeated absence will affect their grades, and that absence without excuse will offer them to discount grades.
* Parents encourage their children to sleep early, so that they wake up early to go to their schools, and try to help their children to get rid of laziness, and to watch for late times.

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