Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The benefits of internet for students There is no doubt that the existence of the Internet in our lives, opened us infinite opportunities in science and education, and make life easier and more flexible in many areas such as education and communication between people and transactions and the sale and purchase, it was required hours of research in books and references, Now you only need parts of a second search on the Internet to get them, and the message needed for months perhaps by mail to reach from one country to another, but now only takes seconds to reach the required destination, and about the sale and purchase, everyone can buy and buy what he wants and choose the prices Appropriate displays what he wants to sell and is in place does not move, and many other services in all areas.

Internet benefits for students
  • For students, especially students of schools or universities, they are the biggest beneficiaries of the existence of Internet networks The Internet has unlimited benefits made education easier and available to all at all times and places, and mention of these benefits, for example: a huge provision of sources of information and scientific references as well as easy to search .
  • Facilitate the attendance of scientific seminars and interactive lectures easily without commitment to a specific time and place.
  • Many universities offer open education, and this allows you to obtain academic and higher degrees from you as well as in your home without having to go to universities or attend lectures.
  • Saving money, it is certain that using the Internet you will find thousands of information and references you need for free without having to pay one fils.
  • Access to an educational environment characterized by freedom and non-blockage in specific classrooms or time.
  • Provide access to information in modern non-traditional ways, such as educational videos or other educational programs and applications. Easy communication with teachers, professors and experts, using e-mail and any other available methods.

Internet damage on students
  • The Internet has advantages and benefits that students can benefit from. There are also disadvantages and disadvantages that must be taken care of and alert them, including:
  • Getting the wrong information from non-specialized websites is one of the biggest drawbacks of online learning.
  • Misuse of the Internet, wasting time browsing social networking sites or other non-useful sites.
  • Learning through the Internet reduces the role of the teacher in general, so that the student relies on self-education from the Internet instead of the teacher.
  • Spending time on websites can cause health problems from eye diseases, neck pain, and headaches.

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