Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Many parents suffer from the lack of interest of their children to learn, or lack of focus and spend most of the time in front of television, telephone and computer in order to play and watch programs without much benefit.

Luckily the Internet is packed with thousands of targeted sites that help students acquire information interactively and entertainingly by mixing games and learning with learning.

In this report, seven children's educational sites should be followed up on a daily basis, and the information they provide should be used in an enjoyable manner.

1 - "National Geographic for Children"
National Geographic, which not only publishes its magazines for adults and young people, or even shows its programs and documentaries through its specialized channels, also has a children's educational website. This site is a huge treasure for children. It contains many educational games, videos, contests, and also interactive files in multiple fields.
All you have to do is create an account for your child on the site and start browsing thousands of topics and information.

2. "We understand"
We understand an innovative educational platform that presents and provides a simplified explanation of the curriculum for school students in Egypt, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Algeria through short videos of 5 to 20 minutes. "Understand" all videos for free for students, parents or teachers, and uses the understanding of more than half a million students. The site also helps those wishing to streamline the curriculum, both teachers and parents, by allowing their annotations and videos to be made available through the Nefeen website after reviewing the site for content and making sure it is correct.

3. "Learn" is one of the island's websites for children, which includes interactive videos and materials that explain curriculum for school students in all subjects such as history, geography, information technology, earth sciences, biology, physics, chemistry, arts and Arabic. The official language of the site. The site offers educational videos in as little as three minutes, helping students to enjoy the learning experience and to gain as much knowledge as possible in a fun and easy way. Students can subscribe to the site and start browsing all the materials by subscribing to their affiliate schools.

4. "Birds"
"Asafir" is a specialized platform for teaching children Arabic reading skills through hundreds of written and audio stories at the same time, helping children learn easily and pleasantly.

The site divides the content into three levels: Beginner and includes children from birth to 5 years of age, average level: includes children aged 6 to 10 years, and an advanced level for children over 10 years. The site publishes some statistics on a monthly basis. Children spend about 50,000 hours per month on the site of birds, reading about one million stories in total, in addition to other statistics such as the most readable children by age, Read, and age distribution of readers.

Scientists have found that online learning by children is better than learning in traditional ways because of the many interactive features that online learning offers.

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American scientists from the University of Oregon have confirmed that online learning is superior to many traditional methods. Internet services allow listeners to receive information better and easier than other ways of attending educational centers in person.

The study, which was conducted on a large sample of children who received their online education, found that this nontraditional method allows interaction in Internet lectures with a greater understanding of the materials of the study, an increase of 18% compared to the absorption resulting from attendance in lectures and scientific seminars in their traditional form.

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The new mechanism, which relies on the introduction of educational curricula through interesting videos, is recommended in the education of children, because it presents the educational content in an attractive and sequential manner, thus providing easy absorption and conservation, and thus the best way to succeed.

It is recommended that you disconnect the Internet completely from time to time by pulling the Internet cable out of electricity, turning off the wireless connection or turning off the modem or router, There are types of routers or routers that allow you to set a time when the Internet can be used. The other way to disconnect the Internet when you can not force yourself to do so is to tell someone to do the job, On the other hand, you can participate in some household or social chores to temporarily refrain from using the Internet, such as helping with preparing meals, going out with friends on a trip, or visiting a shopping mall, avoiding places to use Internet is free as coffee shops.

Set time to use the Internet A specific time must be set to use the Internet by setting an alarm or a timer that runs after a certain time period of about 30 minutes, for example, so that the Internet will be removed as soon as the specified time has elapsed. With a friend by telephone instead of emailing him on the Internet, and go out with him daily for enough time to leave the Internet.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Teaching Methods The method of teaching is defined as a set of steps followed by the teacher to achieve certain goals, and the existence of multiple methods common to teaching is not only arising from the ideas of teachers formed on the nature of human nature and knowledge over the ages, it is worth mentioning the lack of differentiation between different methods of teaching, To the subject of the lesson, the activity of pupils, the possibilities and resources available and other educational conditions.

The importance of modern teaching methods
Modern teaching methods have an effective impact on the quality of teaching and learning, especially when it is said that traditional methods have become unable to meet the needs of education in our time, unlike the modern teaching methods which enabled the student to access the information and understand and apply it more quickly, accurately and concisely, With the social and economic reality within the classroom, considering the reality of the society in which the student lives, and training him in the right way to deal with current situations and prepare for the upcoming positions, and then develop the reality for the better.

Latest teaching methods
Educational bags
Is a set of written activities that include some of its own applications. This method is based on the organization of the study programs in the form of written activities that include subjects related to these activities, which are related to the facts and concepts that the teacher and students perform.

Keller method
Is a method that gives lessons in the form of units, and units on two types, the first is the unit of experience, which depends on the tendencies of students and their needs and problems facing them in life without leaving the subject matter, and the second is the unit of material, which depends on the basis of the subject matter involving different areas of knowledge, Row or chapter.

The Park Harrest Method
Is a self-study carried out through a group of units, during which the student depends on himself fully, so go to specific laboratories to implement, taking into account the presence of an assistant teacher in each of them, and the student can not move to a new unit until the end of units Previous.

One of the disadvantages of this method is that it does not take into consideration individual differences among students. The program is designed to establish controls for the learning process and to control the areas of educational experience by identifying them and arranging them carefully. The student himself learns himself and discovers his mistakes and corrects them until the student reaches the required level of performance, noting that before proceeding with the educational procedures The programmer is subject to a test that enables the student to know the extent to which he achieves his goals later on.

Where the teacher accompanies his students to the computer lab to see closely how to achieve scientific benefit through it, and that by running the computer and choose some lessons to learn about it.

Teaching is the professional activity that is accomplished through a set of key processes: planning, implementation and evaluation. The purpose of this activity is to assist students in the process of learning and teaching. This activity accepts observation and analysis by others after performing it. On its quality, and thus seek to improve it.

Modern Teaching Methods Some of the modern teaching methods that benefit and serve the educational process can be presented. These methods include:

Cooperative learning group method:
This method of modern methods, which work to organize students and divide them into small groups aimed at developing the skills and knowledge of students, and work to raise their academic achievement, and also provide them with social skills. Method of discussion: a conversation in the classroom between students and teacher in a specific educational situation depends on the method of asking and answering questions, which are two types:

Free discussion and discussion. This method has several advantages, including making students the focus of the learning process, making the student very effective during the lesson, and providing all students with the opportunity to participate in the classroom. 

Laboratory Experiments:
In this way, each student has the opportunity to conduct his / her own curriculum experiments, and allows him / her to deal with the tools of the lab. This method makes the student actively involved in the lesson, increasing the student's confidence in himself and his abilities. More in this way, where they acquire some of the important skills such as manual skills; through training them in ways of dealing with tools and devices within the laboratory, and develop the skill of observation, measurement and conclusion that increase their motivation to learn.

This is the way in which the teacher conducts experiments alone in front of students. The teacher resorts to this process if the tools used in the experiment are insufficient to conduct the students, or lack of sufficient time, or in these experiments there is some danger to the students. Several features include overcoming the problem of lack of tools and materials, developing observation and predictive skills among students, and learning to be cautious in dealing with hazardous materials.

Problem Solving:
This method is based on raising the interest of students to a particular problem related to the subject of the lesson that was taken, and then the students follow the steps necessary to solve the problem and find appropriate solutions to it, this method of important, it is interested in the practical aspect, and develop the student's ability to innovate and understanding and the ability to resolve Problems, and it is the student to experiment with things and to verify the validity of the information before the judgment, as it develops the skill of self-learning, and the use of scientific method and accuracy in governance.

Exploration Method:
This method is the most modern method used in teaching science. It is very effective in developing the thinking skills of students. It makes them the center of the educational process, not the teacher, whose role is only to provide stimuli to the students. He has the ability to arrive at facts and information, and the purpose of this method is to urge students to use the information they have in the process of thinking to reach the results.

Method of trips and scientific visits:
It is a method that depends on the activities outside the classroom and is educational and planned. It should be clear and specific. The visit should be related to the subjects studied by the student. The visit should add experiences and skills to the students that are not accessible within the classroom. The visit should be supervised by the teacher.

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