Monday, September 11, 2017

SCHOOLCHILDREN were yesterday taking part in what was being billed as the ``world's biggest ever lesson''.

The event, part of the Global Week of Action for Education organised by leading charities including Oxfam and Save the Children, saw more than 500,000 pupils taking part in over 100 countries.

The theme is the importance of ensuring girls go to school, as the children of women who finish primary education are twice as likely to survive beyond the age of five, and are half as likely to suffer from malnutrition.

Former South African president Nelson Mandela and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan were among those urging support for the campaign.

In England, school standards minister David Miliband was teaching the lesson to nine and 10-year-olds at St Paul's Primary School in London. The same lesson was being given across the world.

The main UK lesson, involving 2,500 children, was being held at Wembley Grand Hall near the old national stadium.

Singer Ms Dynamite, a prominent campaigner against the war in Iraq, filmed a message of support.

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