The educational process is one of the most difficult tasks because it is interested in sending the information to understand the learner with a good method, and many students say that their teacher is good in education, but treated badly, and there is a teacher to the contrary.
When we talk about education and children, we go into more complexities and deeper aspects of the process of teaching and education. This process is responsible for both the school and the home. It is a cooperative process. The school alone can not live up to the highest levels of education. As much as the information and content required, so there should be links between the two parties in order to get the child the right science accompanied by the right treatment that drives him to love science and learning.
Methods of teaching children Teaching in school The school should take distinctive, selected and proven methods to teach children. These methods aim at creating a strong link between the child and the school, and linking it with his books.
When we talk about education and children, we go into more complexities and deeper aspects of the process of teaching and education. This process is responsible for both the school and the home. It is a cooperative process. The school alone can not live up to the highest levels of education. As much as the information and content required, so there should be links between the two parties in order to get the child the right science accompanied by the right treatment that drives him to love science and learning.
Methods of teaching children Teaching in school The school should take distinctive, selected and proven methods to teach children. These methods aim at creating a strong link between the child and the school, and linking it with his books.
Even if he returns home, the lessons are taken into account and he does not stop leaving school . The methods of teaching are renewable at all times and according to the possibilities of the school, and every teacher of the minimum stage knows the methods of using games and cards and role-playing, and education by playing, the teacher to use all means to deliver the information to the child in a fun and a high degree of excellence, At these stages, he should take into account individual differences and be more patient than any teacher and provide management plans to improve the levels of vulnerable students, and to provide more time to carry out activities and educational games that firmly establish the principle of science in students.
Teaching at home to the mother or father is a very important role in the education of the child, in reviewing his lessons and communicating the information that did not reach him from his teacher in the school, the mother must take many ways to teach her child, perhaps the most important: love him to study by linking to some of the game, So learn to count like putting his favorite car in the last room and telling him that he can reach it if he writes numbers 1-20, for example, or when he memorizes the required paragraph in the reading lesson.
The motivation factor is important in the educational process; the mother must motivate her child with prizes of the type he prefers and not give them these prizes unless the agreed part of the lessons; because the child is intelligent despite his ignorance, if he receives something for a specific work will depend on the work done by Conditional work, so the mother will face a problem in convincing him that he has not yet been taught.
The introduction of the method of teaching through food, for example, that the mother make a pie in the form of a number, or to decorate the child's dish with numbers or letters specific Ketchab or cream, and before starting to eat ask him to read the word or wars exist and to connect the word with something he knows, Word in a useful sentence.
Teaching children to play a role is not only the child's imagination, but also if he sees something in front of him, or something close to him, the mother must take care of this aspect and not give her child information for conservation only, for example the parts of the plant can bring a small plant and explain its components in front of it and make it hold it and contemplate it , And for the human body to make him meditate on the members of his body, and the number of bones in the hand and finger and men, for example, and to perform a representation or play for a role, such as the role of a doctor, teacher, or pilot.
All the previous methods and other ways that the mother can take into account are best able to know what her children love and what are the best ways to access the study through them, as well as the mother and father to follow the school and teaching methods and the method of teachers, and to inform them how to deal with their child even Any problem is resolved in the dealings or information. The child depends on the first information presented to him whether it is wrong or true because he does not have a previous balance of information to compare it.
The motivation factor is important in the educational process; the mother must motivate her child with prizes of the type he prefers and not give them these prizes unless the agreed part of the lessons; because the child is intelligent despite his ignorance, if he receives something for a specific work will depend on the work done by Conditional work, so the mother will face a problem in convincing him that he has not yet been taught.
The introduction of the method of teaching through food, for example, that the mother make a pie in the form of a number, or to decorate the child's dish with numbers or letters specific Ketchab or cream, and before starting to eat ask him to read the word or wars exist and to connect the word with something he knows, Word in a useful sentence.
Teaching children to play a role is not only the child's imagination, but also if he sees something in front of him, or something close to him, the mother must take care of this aspect and not give her child information for conservation only, for example the parts of the plant can bring a small plant and explain its components in front of it and make it hold it and contemplate it , And for the human body to make him meditate on the members of his body, and the number of bones in the hand and finger and men, for example, and to perform a representation or play for a role, such as the role of a doctor, teacher, or pilot.
All the previous methods and other ways that the mother can take into account are best able to know what her children love and what are the best ways to access the study through them, as well as the mother and father to follow the school and teaching methods and the method of teachers, and to inform them how to deal with their child even Any problem is resolved in the dealings or information. The child depends on the first information presented to him whether it is wrong or true because he does not have a previous balance of information to compare it.