Tuesday, January 16, 2018

About 100 years ago, we talked about the benefits of educating the child in the open air, which includes the body, mind and spirit. It evokes in him the passion of joy, alerting the sense of beauty, alerting his senses, enhancing observation, interviewing and discrimination skills.

And how to improve children's ethics and cleanse in the arms of nature by the testimony of many educators, and that was the rudeness and the hustle and unity of children only because of the suppression of these souls unbridled in the chapters and walls, once they studied in the open air until they turned from frigidity and sharpness to calm and guidance and became closer to the arrangement and taste and good Act and organize their activities according to their age.

And turned the cruelty of some of those who trample the flowers and torture the bird and the animal to compassion and compassion, and the nature of the child appeared compassionate animal, birds and flowers, and showed inside the many virtues were locked in closed schools closed.

Perhaps this is what the Glingari School, an outdoor learning experience in the Kangaroo Valley, Australia, has advocated for this approach by exposing children to the natural environment and giving them opportunities to challenge them in the mental, physical, spiritual, social and academic aspects. The school consists of two outdoor classes.

Where students learn all areas of the curriculum through experiential learning, and dealing with the rich environment there is a biodiversity of plants and animals that make students an ideal environment for learning science, sports and healthy eating, and expand their horizons of the world around them away from the hustle of television and mobile jam and gaming devices.

This environment helps them to establish friendships, a deeper understanding of religious values ??and teachings, to face different challenges, and to improve communication with their parents by writing letters to them. Such programs prepare students to become leaders and teach them the endurance and perseverance of long-term goals and lifelong relationships.

A number of educational models have emerged in South-East Asia that connect students to their environment and their lives and provide a combination of the expected objectives of schools and higher academic institutions and the advantages of experiential learning.

The Green School was established in 2008 amid the jungle and rice fields to continue to grow and increase the number of students. The school combines sustainability with education, hands-on training, green studies and creative arts, along with core subjects such as mathematics, English and science, and adds open spaces to learning according to the professions chosen by students.

The school is built in an unusual style, and it is built and built entirely on locally grown bamboo ropes. The school prepares students to change the way the planet is run by strengthening their connection to the environment and their commitment to the principle of sustainability.

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