Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Children's use of the Internet Children use the Internet in various areas, including: making school reports, playing entertaining interactive games, and communicating with teachers and friends, but it requires high care and constant care from parents. Over the past two decades, the use of computers and the Internet has increased. The use of these devices in different ways, due to the development and advancement of technology, such devices: television, e-books, portable devices such as cell phones, music players, notes that children are users of Internet users frequently use social networking sites such as Facebook to watch different videos. Studies show that 10 percent of children read books and e-journals. More than 55 percent of children in grades 7 through 2 use the Internet To search for health-related information.

How children use the Internet Children should be made aware of how to use the Internet and how to deal with it in a safe way.

Not to disclose personal information to anyone without parental knowledge. When information is collected for a research or for an online school project, ensure the safety and accuracy of the sites by consulting the teacher or librarian. Do not share your personal password with anyone other than your parents, and if your personal account is accessed from another device, make sure to sign out of it when you're finished.

Do not post videos or photos online unless you have parental consent. Not to meet a friend online, except with the permission of parents, there are people who claim to be friends and they are not. Do not trust all the e-advertisements. Some deceive the user that they will offer free things to him or tell him that he has won something. In fact, their goal is to collect personal information about him. Therefore, nothing can be bought online without the parents' consent.

Do not download any software or open any e-mail attachments, especially when the sender is anonymous, because these attachments may contain viruses that destroy the device.

All social networking sites and networks require a minimum age to subscribe. You must abide by this and do not allow children to create personal accounts if they are below the minimum.

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