Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Children are the foundation of society and they will develop and advance society when they grow up. It is necessary to raise children together and teach them the right education. The first education is to teach the child to read and write. The child at the age of five has entered a new phase of His life is the stage of education, which begins with the teaching of the basics of writing and reading, so it is very important for the child to complete his scientific career with ease, and ways to teach the child to read and write different and multiple and depends on the child's mental nature and ability to save and focus, so we chose several ways to teach the child Read and write even if the method did not work with a child, there is an alternative way.

Ways to teach the child to read The method of fragmentation is to divide the word into sections, for example the word Mama divided into a child in the form of Mama, and then teach the child that it is installed to become a mama and so in all words.

Using the words spoken by the child, for example, the most words spoken by the child Mama, Papa, these words are written in a large font and color and teach the child I am the word is a door and read so, and the same way to the word Mama and other words spoken by the child constantly. The way newspapers are to have a member of the child's family read the newspapers loudly, it makes the child wants to imitate adult people and be a catalyst for the child to read.

How to use games There are many games that learn to read, you should continue to bring to the child because it will teach him to read the way he likes to play.

Image and Word This method depends on linking the word to the picture that gives its meaning if it indicates a material thing or a scene if it indicates a concept as a next stage. This method is used by the schools because it has an effect on the child. The child loves drawings and pictures. The word remains firmly in the child's brain. , And when he sees it again he will remember it immediately and read it with ease.

Methods of teaching the child writing Method of holding hand here begins to teach the child one character and hold his hand to write and repeat this process for more than ten times for each character so he can write the letter himself.

The way the dots are written so that the letter is written to the child in the form of points and he connects those points to form the character, the letter must be written dotted more than twenty times, and frequent repetition makes the child able to write the letter at the last time alone without the presence of points.

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