Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The impact of e-learning on the education and development of children in rural areas of India ", the researchers discussed the importance of e-learning and teaching methods, their impact on students and their comprehension of information The following is a summary of some of the excerpts from this study,

1) Comparison of traditional and electronic education and the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of each in the educational process.
2) The role of technology in facilitating the process of education and absorption and participation of students, especially those with special needs.

Computer and Child Growth
 The computer plays an important role in the curriculum and activities of external activities. "Education through play" is an important method of teaching children at an early age. ICT-based education contributes to improving the cognitive, emotional and linguistic skills and literacy of the child. Children using eLearning are more educated and more innovative, and have shown improved computational skills. Children participate actively in many activities through the computer, such as doing homework, playing games, chatting with friends through social networks, and surfing the Internet. The use of e-learning has greatly improved academic performance, motivation of students, and participation in class. Electronic learning tools - designed through multimedia - help children learn through fun lessons and games.

The impact of e - learning on students
E-learning can be considered as an alternative to traditional education and traditional teaching methods. The unlimited techniques offered by e-learning contribute to the upgrading of traditional education. When using the traditional learning method (the central model - teacher) the student receives information in an ineffective way: receiving information from the teacher to the student, the student relies entirely on receiving information only.

By e-learning (center-student model), the student is available to participate in many different activities, and the student becomes more and more independent. This educational model contributes to stimulating learners, achieving a higher level of critical thinking and problem solving skills. Time is not an obstacle to learning when using e-learning. Students can replicate educational material to better understand, and can also search for additional teaching materials.

One of the most important features of e-learning is its role in facilitating education for children with special needs. The availability of computer technology, digital and multimedia technologies from the use of sounds, images and text in different colors has a significant impact on helping children who can not participate in the traditional education model because of their learning difficulties and disabilities.

We believe that e-learning has great benefits in developing and facilitating the educational process. It gives students greater ability to understand, understand and participate, and make learning more enjoyable. E-learning also contributes to overcoming many of the problems and difficulties faced by students, which may hinder their educational attainment, especially those with special needs.

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