Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Internet is accelerating the enormous technological development. Internet dependence has become great in almost every area of ??life, including education. There is no university, school or other educational institution, but it relies on this network in its work, in communicating information to the student and in receiving feedback from it. Has become an important role in the process of learning and the adoption of the student himself, what are the benefits of this network in teaching and learning? This is what we will learn in this article.

The benefits of the Internet in teaching and learning

File Transfer
The Internet provides a variety of file transfer service between various sites to benefit from the educational and learning process. Development of Creativity The Internet provides an opportunity to develop creativity among its users, especially students, through the information it develops. It is also an easy way for students and teachers to spread their creativity and access to the creativity of others.

Studies and research
The Internet provides a huge amount of research, studies and information in various fields. It also provides access to international libraries and uses them in education and in the preparation of various researches and studies.

E-mail is a means of communication that facilitates communication among students so that they share educational and educational ideas and information, and that they communicate after school with their teacher and teacher.

Benefit from educational sites
The educational sites can be accessed by visiting the sites that are dedicated and contain evidence of educational and educational sites of different foreign and Arab. Participation in Educational Forums Educational forums provide specialized educational sites for discussion in addition to participation in competitions and scientific subjects.

Visit specialized websites
Specialized sites are visited through visits to Arab and foreign sites for teachers and academics, which relate to the subjects of their various studies. Making use of popular search sites The Internet provides many specialized search sites such as Google and Yahoo, through which the learner can search for the information that he wants and which is useful in his education.

Create sites for different educational materials
The teacher can create a site for the subject matter that he gives to his students, and students can benefit from the material placed by the teacher on this site and discuss it, and this benefit to the largest number of students.

Quick access to information
Get quick, easy, and reliable information compared to other media or with regular mail for messaging.

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