Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Teaching Methods The method of teaching is defined as a set of steps followed by the teacher to achieve certain goals, and the existence of multiple methods common to teaching is not only arising from the ideas of teachers formed on the nature of human nature and knowledge over the ages, it is worth mentioning the lack of differentiation between different methods of teaching, To the subject of the lesson, the activity of pupils, the possibilities and resources available and other educational conditions.

The importance of modern teaching methods
Modern teaching methods have an effective impact on the quality of teaching and learning, especially when it is said that traditional methods have become unable to meet the needs of education in our time, unlike the modern teaching methods which enabled the student to access the information and understand and apply it more quickly, accurately and concisely, With the social and economic reality within the classroom, considering the reality of the society in which the student lives, and training him in the right way to deal with current situations and prepare for the upcoming positions, and then develop the reality for the better.

Latest teaching methods
Educational bags
Is a set of written activities that include some of its own applications. This method is based on the organization of the study programs in the form of written activities that include subjects related to these activities, which are related to the facts and concepts that the teacher and students perform.

Keller method
Is a method that gives lessons in the form of units, and units on two types, the first is the unit of experience, which depends on the tendencies of students and their needs and problems facing them in life without leaving the subject matter, and the second is the unit of material, which depends on the basis of the subject matter involving different areas of knowledge, Row or chapter.

The Park Harrest Method
Is a self-study carried out through a group of units, during which the student depends on himself fully, so go to specific laboratories to implement, taking into account the presence of an assistant teacher in each of them, and the student can not move to a new unit until the end of units Previous.

One of the disadvantages of this method is that it does not take into consideration individual differences among students. The program is designed to establish controls for the learning process and to control the areas of educational experience by identifying them and arranging them carefully. The student himself learns himself and discovers his mistakes and corrects them until the student reaches the required level of performance, noting that before proceeding with the educational procedures The programmer is subject to a test that enables the student to know the extent to which he achieves his goals later on.

Where the teacher accompanies his students to the computer lab to see closely how to achieve scientific benefit through it, and that by running the computer and choose some lessons to learn about it.

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