Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The home is the primary and basic center for all children, especially since the place where the child learns the priorities of life and the primary issues that he needs in his life, until the time of the school that works to supplement these skills and refined them in a more scientific and professional manner. From here, we will present to you on this subject through my health site all you need to know about the basic rules on the methods of teaching children.

Tips for teaching a child at home
The responsibility of educating the child at home is both the mother and the father, but the mother must take some necessary steps that can help the child to learn better. Perhaps the most important is to love him to study by associating her with some play, Learn to count.

However, it is not only about educating the child in education, but also about motivating him to acquire educational skills, by offering some prizes or things he likes, when he succeeds in doing something, with attention to the need to rely on the principle of reward and motivation on the principle of working conditions , Because it will not lead to any outcome when the child, but will gain him bad skills.

One of the ways that parents can rely on the process of educating children is to work on the introduction of food style through food, such as decorating the child's dish with numbers or characters and before starting to eat ask him to read the word or wars exist and to connect the word with something he knows, Word in a useful sentence.

Parents can also rely on a useful method in the field of children's education, through teaching acting, especially as this method works to expand the imagination of the child in addition to helping them to learn by seeing things in front of him, which facilitates this task.

What are the effective ways to teach a child?
The school and the parents make all available and possible ways to convey the information to the child whether using the method of representation or play or image and colored cards These means help the child to absorb the information and stored in memory and not forget it easily and for a long time.
- Always take into account the individual differences between children, there is a child to absorb the information in a short time and another absorbs the same information in a longer time.

- Not to engage in the study to forget the role of the importance of activities and educational games, which is one of the most important methods of teaching children.

- The role of the home is no less important than the role of the school, but more so because the child instinctively linked to his mother about his teacher and the advice to the mother to take into account when teaching.

- Attempt to link the information you provide to the child and between signs and signs and movements done by himself until the information takes hold in his mind.

- Encouragement and motivation is a very important element in the teaching of children so be careful to always encourage the child and give him a reward and gifts if it gets a very satisfactory result in this case automatically connects the child between his academic superiority and the receipt of the reward, which drives him to excel.

- Dependence on new and attractive ways to deliver information to the child as if you use the food element in it, for example, the infringement of a pie in the form of a number or a certain character.

- The play element also plays a big role in influencing the child. For example, put the favorite child's game in the last room and tell him that he can play it when the completion of his homework properly and thoroughly and properly.

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