Monday, January 29, 2018

It is a modern way of teaching where the teacher takes his students to the computer lab to see closely how they can benefit scientifically from running the computer and learn some lessons through these devices. This is done if the equipment is available and the laboratory is provided with all its tools and supplies.

There are some associations that have emerged after the military industries by building the curriculum so that the student keeps pace with the tremendous speed in the development of technology such as PSSC, CBA and HPP

Method of teaching based on the use of student ideas:
The Flanduz class is based on the use of student ideas to five sub-levels, summarized as follows:
A reference to the repetition of a group of names or logical relations to extract the idea as expressed by the student.
(B) To re-edit or modify the sentences by the teacher, which helps the student to develop the idea he understands.
Use an idea by the teacher to arrive at the next step in the logical analysis of the information given.
D. Find the relationship between the idea of ??the teacher and the idea of ??the student by comparing the idea of ??each.
(E) summarize the ideas that were narrated by the student or group of pupils

Teaching methods based on presentation or presentation clarity:
What is meant here is the presentation of the teacher of his scientific material clearly can be absorbed by his students, after the studies showed that the clarity of the presentation has an effective impact in the progress of student achievement, has shown one of the studies conducted on a group of students studying social sciences. They were asked to arrange the effectiveness of their teachers on a set of variables after the teacher completed the lesson over several consecutive days. The students who gave their teachers high grades in the clarity of the objectives of the material and their submission are more than those who gave their teachers lower grades in these variables.

The enthusiastic teaching method of the teacher:
Many researchers have tried to study the impact of teachers' enthusiasm as a method of teaching at the level of their students' achievement. Most studies have shown that teachers' enthusiasm is associated with significance and significance of student achievement.

In a pilot study conducted by one of the researchers, 20 teachers were given instructions to teach one lesson enthusiastically and another to study their pupils in grades 6 and 7. The results of the study showed that the average grade of students in the lessons given by Hamas was significantly higher than that in the lessons In nineteen rows of the total number of twenty rows.

It is clear that the level of teacher enthusiasm during teaching plays an influential role in the growth of the levels of achievement of his students, noting that this enthusiasm is more influential if the enthusiasm is balanced.

One way to use this method is self-learning and individual learning
As for the teaching methods, there is no better teaching method than others, there are many methods of teaching, and the teacher must choose the method that corresponds to the subject of his lesson. There are teaching methods based on student activity in a holistic manner such as problem solving, and there are methods based on the activity of the teacher to a large extent, such as the method of diction, and there is a teaching method requires great activity of the teacher and student, although the teacher is the largest activity in which the method of dialogue And there are teaching methods such as individual teaching methods such as programmed education or computer education, and there are collective teaching methods such as speech, discussion and problem solving, projects and units.

The method of teaching is how the teacher deals with the method of teaching during the process of teaching, in the process of teaching, or the method followed by the teacher in the implementation of the teaching method distinct from other teachers who use the denial of the method, and therefore is linked mainly to the personal characteristics of the teacher.

This definition means that the method of teaching may differ from one teacher to another, although they are used in the same way. For example, teacher X uses the method of the lecture, and teacher R also uses the lecture method, Collecting students of each. This means that these differences can be attributed to the method of teaching followed by the teacher, and is not attributed to the teaching method on the grounds that teaching methods have their characteristics and steps identified and agreed upon.

Nature of Teaching Method
The teaching method is mainly related to the characteristics, characteristics and personal characteristics of the teacher. This indicates that there are no specific rules for the teaching methods that the teacher should follow in the process of teaching. Therefore, the nature of the teaching method is dependent on the individual teacher, his personality, his personality, Facial expression, emotion, tone of voice, letter exits, signals and gestures, expression of values, etc., in essence represent the individual personal qualities that characterize the teacher from other teachers, and according to it is characterized by the teaching method used by Determine the nature and patterns. 

Modern teaching methods and types:
There is also a variety of teaching strategies and methods of teaching. The methods of teaching vary, but we must emphasize that teaching methods are not step-wise, and that they do not follow specific conditions or standards. The teaching method as we have already shown is fundamentally related to the personality of the teacher and his characteristics and characteristics. There is a specific method that can be preferred to other methods, since the question of preference for teaching method is dependent on the teacher himself and his preference, but we find that most studies and research on the subject of teaching methods have linked these methods and their impact on achievement, From the angle that I walk B teaching can not be judged only by the impact that appears on the achievement of the students.

Programmed Education:
It is a self-education in which education seeks to establish controls on the learning process, thereby controlling the areas of educational experience and identifying them very carefully and arrange their follow-up in skill and accuracy so that the student through himself to teach himself and to detect mistakes and correct them until the learner and the learner to the appropriate level of performance.

Before the student goes through these steps, he passes another test after completion of this program so that he can know the extent to which he achieved the goals of the lesson and the level of performance of what he achieved from them.

In order to become an important teacher in guiding students to the right direction to make the most of technology, the teacher should:

1. To transform his / her classroom from a place where information is transferred consistently and in one direction from the teacher to the student to a dynamic, student-centered learning environment where students and their peers form groups in all their classes as well as with other classes around World Online.
2. To develop a practical understanding of the characteristics and needs of educated students.
3 - to follow the teaching skills take into account the diverse needs and expectations of the recipients.
4. Develop a practical understanding of the technology of education while continuing to focus on its own educational role.
5 - to work efficiently as a guide and a smart guide to the content of education.

There is no doubt that the role of the teacher will remain forever and will become more difficult than before, because the teacher is the essence of the educational process so it must be open to all new and flexible to enable creativity and innovation, to be able to meet the challenges and stand in front of the requirements of the age and challenges And the so-called globalization and its cultural, social and economic challenge.

Through this we can complete the role of teacher in the era of technology in the following four areas:
1. Design of the education system.
2. Employment of technology.
3. Encourage interaction among students.
4. Developing self-learning among students.
5. The teacher is an author and educational developer.
6 - teacher supervisor and educational supervisor

The role of the teacher in the era of technology is to employ technology:
Over the past decade, teaching techniques have evolved rapidly. And the teacher has to use the technology of equipment and devices effectively when providing education and there are at least five techniques that the teacher can use:
1. Printed materials such as: (educational programs, lesson guide, courses).
 2. Audio-based technology (audio technology) such as: (tapes, radio broadcasts, telephones).
 3- Electronic fees. Such as (electronic board, fax).
 4. Video technology such as educational television, regular television, interactive video, videos and video discs.
 5. Computers and their networks, such as (computer education, e-mail discussions, the Internet, and digital video discussions)

The role of teaching methods:
The teaching method is only a series of steps followed by the teacher to achieve certain goals. If there are many famous ways to teach, it is due to the ideas of educators over the ages of human nature, and the nature of knowledge itself, as well as to the findings of psychologists on what to learn, and this is why we say that there are educational roots and psychological methods Teaching.

Catching up with events may be a virtue, but in the application of advanced technology in the field of education is imposed by the social interest and economic feasibility, which is the impetus for a prosperous future as this would maximize the ability to qualify human cadres in various disciplines required by the community, Traditional schools exceed the capacity of the educational institutions, and the provision of these cadres achieved thanks to this technology at a much lower cost. It also achieves equality of opportunity among the members of the society. The use of this technology is not limited to the citizens of the cities where the educational institutions are located. But can be provided with the same efficiency and cost to the children of rural and remote areas, raising their level of science and open the prospects for them to contribute to the scientific and productive activity in their community.

During the last decade there has been a huge revolution in the applications of computer education and the use of computer in the field of education in its beginnings that are increasing day by day, but began to take many forms from the computer in education to the use of the Internet in education.

In light of this development of education techniques, we find that the roles in the components of the teaching system (school, teacher and teaching methods) have changed, and the following is an explanation for this:

School Role:
The school in the era of "lifelong learning for the teacher is seen as a key to the educational system as a basic resource to meet the needs of the society, when faced with profound and rapid changes to balance the educational system with the needs of the community. On the condition that this profession get the right training directed to the requirements of the age, and get the equipment to have the ability to cope with the many and rapid changes faced and standing in front of it, so that the profession of education to win the confidence of the community, and maintain them in a constructive and effective era See more difficult to catch up with him.

That the society has many demands from its educational system and from the school, for the great change that occurs in order to achieve those demands, it is necessary to develop the profession of education under the concept of "lifelong learning of the teacher," which requires a deep understanding of the reality of change in the community .. And a real understanding of the role of the school In light of this change of theories and attitudes

Teacher role:
The role of the teacher has changed during the historical periods that followed him from presenting and explaining the textbook, preparing the lessons, using the means and setting the tests, and his role is based on the planning of the educational process and its design and knowledge of its parts. As well as providing the student with the opportunity to participate more freely with more skills than reflected in the ability of the student to communicate and detonate his energies and abilities, and build his personality and knowledge of the latest findings of science in various fields, and this requires the The teacher must be familiar with the environment Education and characteristics of learners and their skills and abilities and the selection of appropriate teaching methods, and the development of appropriate educational objectives and taking into account individual differences, because the methods and methods of teaching are one of the most important components of the basic curriculum, as the educational objectives, and content chosen by specialists in the curriculum, By the teacher and the methods he follows in his teaching.

Therefore, the teaching can be considered as a link between the student, and the components of the curriculum and style in this way includes the various educational positions that are carried out within the classroom and organized by the teacher, and the way it follows, so that makes these positions effective and fruitful at the same time.

The teacher must make his / her lesson desirable to students in the way they teach, and by stimulating student effectiveness and activity. It is important to emphasize that the teacher is the foundation. The method is not the basis, but the method followed by the teacher to communicate his information and the accompanying students.

 The use of teaching techniques does not mean canceling the role of the teacher, but it becomes more important and more difficult role, it is a creative person with high efficiency, manages the educational process ably and works to achieve the aspirations of progress and technology.

The teacher's career has become a combination of the tasks of the leader, the critic and the mentor. In order for the teacher to be effective, the teacher must combine specialization and experience, be well qualified and have the necessary expertise to refine his experience in the light of the accuracy of technical guidance through varied and appropriate supervision. Not only to formal training but also from their colleagues to help them master the best ways to integrate technology with their education.

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