Wednesday, June 13, 2018

You are, of course, interested in what your child loves and benefits in his or her future. In this context, how to teach a child for the first time, we are now writing through this article from the site of femininity, so that your child will never feel frustrated or helpless about it.

- It is desirable to wait for the right age for the child to learn writing and this age is approaching in the fifth year. Some children may be smart to start slightly earlier than this age but of course they will all learn to write in the end. Do not force your child to learn to read and write, but rather write the letter slowly by letter after character.

- Your child sees you as his role model for everything so co-writing to encourage him to do. Set aside time for both of you and sit down next to your child and bring distinctive pens with a notebook and explain to your child the exercise and the right way to do to enjoy his time and feel that he is doing important and beautiful.

- Make sure that playing is the latest and best way to teach the child what you want to do it through the drawings and shapes and by playing with the child by the scientific characters and this way will not feel frustrated but will be comfortable. Form with colored characters using clay paste or water and oil colors and let him dip his fingers out and write down the letters he wants.

- It is worth mentioning that the child's rush to learn is negative, so he gradually learned things without asking him to exceed his ability to remain absorbed and do not feel any pressure on him.

- Repeat reading the story on his ears more than once, and make him talk about it in the classical language that I read it, and Donnie what he said, and then ask him to come back to read what he wrote, it will enrich his idea vocabulary, and helps him to read better every time.

- Reading time is not associated with a particular time or place. Reading is everywhere, even during bathing. For example, read the name of the shampoo and repeat the name of each piece of clothing you wear.
Dear mother, we recommend that you do not wait until school age for your child to learn to read and write. The earlier you read to him, the better your reading and writing skills.

There is no doubt that the process of writing is one of the most difficult things that children go through because they are directly related to the completion of the nervous maturity of the child's mother and her delicate muscles in order to control the pen grasp, which varies radically between children, especially since writing requires the ability to draw shapes And requires a training exercise to deepen the concept of form and control of nerves, in addition to the existence of visual and manual consistency in the hand movement with the arm and fingers. Here we provide you in this subject through the health of some tips that help in the way of teaching the child to hold the pen.

How to teach the child to hold the pen
There are a lot of things that the mother has to work on to achieve the desired goal, perhaps first to teach the child on two fingers, and roll the joints of the wrist, by collecting small things between the fingers in addition to pressing fingers on the table in a piano, and to teach the child method of bending fingers Until you take the cat's claws and it turns on the prey.

It is also helpful to train the child to hold the pen, by training the child to open the book and turn the pages from the corner of the left paper from the bottom with the use of scissors safe to cut the letters and numbers and words of old newspapers and magazines and pasted.

After cutting this stage, you should start training the child in the right position to hold the pen so that the mother should help the child to put the pen between the thumb and index finger and center it centered on the middle finger not to include the fingers strongly, but mediating between them and encourage the child to draw and planning on paper. In this context, attention should be paid to the need to select the right and light pen on the child's hand, with the heart having to be proportional to the size of the hand.

Some methods of modern education for children
Here in this subject of my health some of the modern methods of education for children that do not take the theory of punishment:
- To guide the child to good behavior and the importance of observing moral values ??when acting.
- The child loves the tradition of adults, so parents have to reflect a good image in front of the child.
- Building a close relationship between parents, especially mothers and children.
- It is important that the child learns patience and control his feelings and actions.
- The child must be taught to evaluate things in order to understand where he has sinned.
- If the child must be punished, punishment must be completely away from violence, the punishment unit is linked to what the child has done, exaggeration leaves negative effects.
- It is important that parents think at first glance as a child to see why he behaves this way.
- The child should not feel that his family are his enemies and their goal is only to punish him but must feel safe.

The home is the primary and basic center for all children, especially since the place where the child learns the priorities of life and the primary issues that he needs in his life, until the time of the school that works to supplement these skills and refined them in a more scientific and professional manner. From here, we will present to you on this subject through my health site all you need to know about the basic rules on the methods of teaching children.

Tips for teaching a child at home
The responsibility of educating the child at home is both the mother and the father, but the mother must take some necessary steps that can help the child to learn better. Perhaps the most important is to love him to study by associating her with some play, Learn to count.

However, it is not only about educating the child in education, but also about motivating him to acquire educational skills, by offering some prizes or things he likes, when he succeeds in doing something, with attention to the need to rely on the principle of reward and motivation on the principle of working conditions , Because it will not lead to any outcome when the child, but will gain him bad skills.

One of the ways that parents can rely on the process of educating children is to work on the introduction of food style through food, such as decorating the child's dish with numbers or characters and before starting to eat ask him to read the word or wars exist and to connect the word with something he knows, Word in a useful sentence.

Parents can also rely on a useful method in the field of children's education, through teaching acting, especially as this method works to expand the imagination of the child in addition to helping them to learn by seeing things in front of him, which facilitates this task.

What are the effective ways to teach a child?
The school and the parents make all available and possible ways to convey the information to the child whether using the method of representation or play or image and colored cards These means help the child to absorb the information and stored in memory and not forget it easily and for a long time.
- Always take into account the individual differences between children, there is a child to absorb the information in a short time and another absorbs the same information in a longer time.

- Not to engage in the study to forget the role of the importance of activities and educational games, which is one of the most important methods of teaching children.

- The role of the home is no less important than the role of the school, but more so because the child instinctively linked to his mother about his teacher and the advice to the mother to take into account when teaching.

- Attempt to link the information you provide to the child and between signs and signs and movements done by himself until the information takes hold in his mind.

- Encouragement and motivation is a very important element in the teaching of children so be careful to always encourage the child and give him a reward and gifts if it gets a very satisfactory result in this case automatically connects the child between his academic superiority and the receipt of the reward, which drives him to excel.

- Dependence on new and attractive ways to deliver information to the child as if you use the food element in it, for example, the infringement of a pie in the form of a number or a certain character.

- The play element also plays a big role in influencing the child. For example, put the favorite child's game in the last room and tell him that he can play it when the completion of his homework properly and thoroughly and properly.

Learning to read to pre-school children can not be done by your child alone! Until the stage of reading without assistance, it requires effort and effort starting from the birth of the child .. already from the moment of birth and probably since the fetus in your womb.

Make a routine before bedtime to read to your child in bed .. Even if at age will not allow him to understand the whole story over time will be used to allow the pronunciation of letters and words and distinguish them.
If you want to teach the alphabet easily, sing for him, two thousand songs for your child and sing with him every day to save them with time.
Give your child colorful books, books and drawing books that contain letters and numbers .. Make him around everywhere sitting at home.
Go with your child to the nearest library, even to practice manual activities and not read and then in a tour between the books to create a relationship between them and make him choose a story he likes to read to him at night.
If your child is going to nursery, leave him a note of a word inside the food box for the day .. (preferably from the letters that are trained to hear from you such as: I love you, good boy, delicious food, and so on) ..
Bring colored paper, foam and cubes and use it to teach your child to read letters and numbers by making them
Make a daily reward as your child develops a word reading correctly and then a sentence and then several lines.

Play together the game of puzzles with simple words, for example. Ask him to search for the missing letter in a word and so on.
Take a series of entertaining books with you on your travels or vacations and ask your child to read to you while helping you with some storytelling while traveling.
 Other comic books and other libraries are available for children and are a great way to train them to hear and read on their own.
If he has a favorite book, repeat it daily with him and dictate it because it will make the letters and words prove more in his mind and therefore with the tenth time, for example, ask him to read you a small part alone.
 Talk to your child using the correct pronunciation of words. For example, some mothers leave their children to utter the wrong words as a kind of pampering or playing with the young and their funny way of speaking. This unfortunately delays the child reading the words properly. So correct all the words spoken by your child Wrong from the beginning in a fun way to get used to the correct pronunciation.
Invite your children to watch you read as well .. This will stimulate them to read and get used to the existence of books at home.
There is always time to read even while bathing! Tell your child the name of the shampoo that he uses and the games he plays in the bathtub. Repeat the name of each piece of clothing, for example. Now you will wear your beautiful pajamas and comb your hair with a small comb.
Finally, do not forget to decipher and read the letters slowly and relatively loudly with your child until they are well fed and remembered when reading again.
If you have more than one child at a close age, gather them together and shout with a fun, funny way to tell their favorite games in the game at the time of reading.
Do not wait until school age The sooner you read your child, the faster and faster his / her ability to speak and read.

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