Thursday, June 14, 2018

The open education system (MOOC) has been widely disseminated. This sector has witnessed a wide interest in the community and has witnessed a large turnout. In the future, we may witness the end of traditional government education and its replacement with open education.

Open education offers training courses or lectures from within the universities provided by professional professors and trainers in order to provide the user with the best academic learning experience. These courses help him to build his character, improve his talents, learn new skills and get a job in a field he loves.

Getting a certificate from a famous university has become easy
The Open Education System (MOOC) has helped users get a chance to study from their home, see lectures by professors from the world's largest universities, and help them identify new areas that can be of interest because the self-teaching platforms currently offered for free are available at the end of each training course. In a particular field, the certificate of completion of this certificate, which seems to some without value, but you can add it in your CV when applying for a job, or put it in your account on LinkedIn, this is a positive thing helps you get a job because employers are now looking at your resume and when they see you Have a certificate at Open education in the field you are applying to shows that you are familiar with the nature of the work you are going to do and that you are a developed person, not a traditional one, because you did not stop at the classical degree.

Learning Free is not great
Yes, there are people who can not afford the payment of education benefits, they deny the study and flee early, and this is common in many countries in the world, here comes the role of open education platforms if not all, most of them provide free educational courses for visitors with the provision of platforms for discussion and inquiry and Communicate with course providers, professors and even paid service providers. They do not offer their courses at fancy prices. You will receive $ 100 to buy a good course on Udemy. This is something that some people have not accepted. Most Udemy courses are free online and this is a violation of copyright.

New skill = many money
To learn a new skill such as designing websites, programming applications, graphic design, writing, translation or marketing, all of this enables you to work more skillfully than you think there are going to work with a monthly salary in a company or institution, and there are some who follow an easy way through the work of His home is in front of his computer or even in his bed, as some do with the Nescafe Cup and make dollars. Your skill gained through learning in open learning sites enables you to become a free agent who can work in a job or home. Realizing their dreams in their rooms they could not imagine me And what they will reach for that stage. Generally learn the skill of working in the future and be careful not to stop searching because your field is very broad and whatever you learned and searched will not reach perfection, perfect for God Almighty, but this does not mean that you stop developing skills and refining and receiving projects and training on them You can develop your abilities and engage in the labor market.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Children are the foundation of society and they will develop and advance society when they grow up. It is necessary to raise children together and teach them the right education. The first education is to teach the child to read and write. The child at the age of five has entered a new phase of His life is the stage of education, which begins with the teaching of the basics of writing and reading, so it is very important for the child to complete his scientific career with ease, and ways to teach the child to read and write different and multiple and depends on the child's mental nature and ability to save and focus, so we chose several ways to teach the child Read and write even if the method did not work with a child, there is an alternative way.

Ways to teach the child to read The method of fragmentation is to divide the word into sections, for example the word Mama divided into a child in the form of Mama, and then teach the child that it is installed to become a mama and so in all words.

Using the words spoken by the child, for example, the most words spoken by the child Mama, Papa, these words are written in a large font and color and teach the child I am the word is a door and read so, and the same way to the word Mama and other words spoken by the child constantly. The way newspapers are to have a member of the child's family read the newspapers loudly, it makes the child wants to imitate adult people and be a catalyst for the child to read.

How to use games There are many games that learn to read, you should continue to bring to the child because it will teach him to read the way he likes to play.

Image and Word This method depends on linking the word to the picture that gives its meaning if it indicates a material thing or a scene if it indicates a concept as a next stage. This method is used by the schools because it has an effect on the child. The child loves drawings and pictures. The word remains firmly in the child's brain. , And when he sees it again he will remember it immediately and read it with ease.

Methods of teaching the child writing Method of holding hand here begins to teach the child one character and hold his hand to write and repeat this process for more than ten times for each character so he can write the letter himself.

The way the dots are written so that the letter is written to the child in the form of points and he connects those points to form the character, the letter must be written dotted more than twenty times, and frequent repetition makes the child able to write the letter at the last time alone without the presence of points.

At the beginning of the stages of child development and the beginning of his ability to absorb around him, mothers start in multiple attempts to teach the child to pronounce words and then teach him to read and write also after taking his first steps in life.

Usually, the stages of teaching a child to read and write are very difficult for the mother and the child and are very frustrating stages where the child gives up early as a passionate object may not want to learn to write again, which leads to attempts parents and teachers to go useless vain.

This is why my mother and father have to find the right way for a child to help him learn to read and write and encourage him to offer you some special tips in this article that help teach the child to write easily.
1- Different age of the child and the degree of absorption

The ability of children to absorb and learn how to write varies according to the age of the child, where toddlers learn to write more easily and more quickly than younger children. It is necessary to wait for the right time to teach the child to make it easier for you and your child.

2. Visual means
Adopt the visual means at the beginning of your child's writing, such as the different alphabetical letters that attract the child and make him spend more time learning, and there are many other ways and means of children and available in many markets and baby food shops that help in this.

3. Teach your child from childhood to love reading
One of the most common reasons why a child is not interested in learning to write or delay in it is the reluctance of the family to teach the child to write at the beginning of his childhood. The neglect of the family in the child's determination to love reading is one of the most important reasons leading to it. Reading in children since childhood and when neglected by the family It is difficult for the child to deal with the textbook, which is the first real experience between the child and the books, so it is necessary to rely on a role model that helps the child to love reading and writing and role model is In the mother it is of course the closest in connotation Ml with the child as the parent must also be a good example for the child is often the child imitating his father more than his mother.

4. Share the child
Share your child to read and write and use a child-friendly way so that he can understand what he is doing in a cheerful, discontentful way. Read books that you like to your child and practice daily. Through drawing and coloring, the child can learn to write easily. For example, His own and make him re-write it himself again with repetition will save the child form letters and then learn to write easily.

"Many of the mothers have been trying to teach their children since the early months of their lives to pronounce some letters and words like" Papa "or" Mama. "Then it develops to learn to read and write, This is a great effort for a mother, since a pre-school child can not learn on her own.

- Read to your child a story before going to sleep in his bed, even at a time when he can not fully understand the story, and make it a daily routine, as it will help him to pronounce and distinguish letters and words.

- One of the quickest ways to teach children is to sing a song for the alphabet and sing it with your child every day.

- Put in the corners of his room colored books that contain letters and numbers, the more he turned around him saw it, entrenched in his mind.

- Establish a strong friendship between your child and books by going to the library and make him choose what he wants stories to read to him at night.

- Follow the method of playing to teach the shape of the character, through the use of cubes to form characters, and can use putty for this purpose.
Reward him when he reads each word, then sentence, then several lines.

- One of the most beautiful ways to teach children to read on their own are storyboards and talking stories, which are available in libraries, where they train on hearing, and then read on their own.

- Use the correct pronunciation of the words when talking to your child, and correct his mistakes to get used to the correct pronunciation, there are many mothers do not pay attention to the mistake of children and leave them to pronounce the letters and words as they want to demonstrate, but know my dear mother that this will delay the child from reading Correct.

- Do not be hasty in teaching your child to read the letters, but slowly and loudly and clearly, so that your child can understand it well, and remember when reading again, and speak correctly.

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