Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The teacher puts his students in front of a problem, such as: "Trying to analyze literary text". They start searching the glossary for the meanings of some words. Then they look for previous explanations of this poem, drawing a literary analysis. Trying to find ways to solve it, such as: "problems learning Arabic."

Method of discussion and dialogue
Its concept
Is one of the traditional teaching methods that rely on lecturing and discussion between the teacher and his students.

(B) its procedures;
 The teacher explains the material in the classroom, and during the process of explanation and presentation raises a set of questions that allow room for discussion between the teacher and learners to arrive at the facts, and the teacher answers the questions raised by the learners.

C. Advantages of the method
- Paying learners to participate and enjoy the lesson.
- The teacher can identify the level of well-educated.
- Develop the intellectual and cognitive abilities of learners and train them on analysis and conclusion.
- The learner is the center of activity and effectiveness.
- Develop learners to love cooperation and teamwork.
- Develop learners' ability to lead and take responsibility.
- Cultivate courage in the minds of learners, and rid them of shame, and develop the spirit of participation.
- Develop the capacity for dialogue, discussion and boldness.
- Students usually develop respect for others' opinions and appreciation of their feelings, even if their views differ from the opinions of their colleagues.
- From the discussion the learner can gather as much information as possible on the same topic.

D - The disadvantages of the method
- The discussion may lead to subjects far from the goal of the lesson because of the complexity of the subjects.
- Learners may not be shy to participate in the discussion.
- The discussion may be dominated by a limited number of learners, which makes them unique at the expense of others.
- Learners may not listen to what their colleagues are asking, because they are busy preparing questions about the lesson.
- Some learners may repeat what their colleagues have previously said; it generates boredom and does not follow the discussion.
- Chaos may occur because the teacher can not control the discussion within the class.
- Discussions may be unfounded if the teacher does not ask learners to read the lesson in advance.
- The benefit of the discussion may be lost if the teacher does not care to record important ideas and summarize them.

The teaching method refers to the plan that teachers and their students follow to achieve the intended goals and objectives of education. There are several definitions of the teaching method, most of which focus on the type, style or system that the teacher and the learner can take to achieve educational goals. Educational institutions.
The importance of teaching methods in the educational process:It is very important for everyone interested in teaching to learn about the general and private teaching methods as they are the focus of any effective teaching. The teacher's weapon is the one that helps him in his work and has important effects on the educational process as well as learning and its results. Whatever the abundance of scientific material with the teacher, success will not be his ally if he does not have a successful teaching method.
1- Method of solving problemsIts conceptThe problem is general. "A state of doubt, confusion and hesitation requires research, which aims at getting rid of the feeling of relief." In this way, the entire course is formulated in the form of problems that are taught in certain steps. The author of this method is John Dewey, the famous American educator who sees the learner as an open system that interacts with the environment around him. He faces difficult and puzzling situations and situations that lead him to inquire and think in order to reach convincing solutions. The method of problem solving is to choose and employ a problem Raise the interest of learners and attract their attention and relate to their needs and push them to think and study and search for a scientific solution to this problem.

The problem is a situation in which students feel that they are facing a position that may be just a question they are ignorant of or are unsure of. The problem varies in terms of length, level of difficulty and methods of treatment.
The method of problem solving is called the "scientific method of thinking," so it stimulates student thinking and concerns about a problem they can not easily solve. Finding the right solution requires students to explore the facts that come up with the solution.
(B) its procedures;A - The teacher urges his students to read freely and read the different sources of knowledge from books, magazines and so on.
B - The teacher appoints his students to choose or select the appropriate problem and determine, and the distribution of responsibilities among them according to their preferences and abilities.
C - The teacher encourages his students to continue, and motivate them to activity in the case of complacency, and provides them with educational situations that help them to think as much as possible.
This method must be accompanied by a continuous evaluation process in terms of the extent to which the purpose and objectives have been achieved, and in terms of the extent to which students' behavior is modified and that new information, interests, attitudes and values ​​are desired. And problems such as: (population explosion, illiteracy, unemployment, racial discrimination, persecution of Muslims ...).
The previous steps can be presented in another way:
1 sense of the problem.2 Identify the problem with its main features set.3 Gather information and facts that relate to it.4 access to general provisions around them.5 to submit the findings of the general provisions to the area of ​​application.

Monday, January 29, 2018

• The multiplicity of modern methods of teaching develop the scientific thinking of the learners, teamwork, and the ability to innovate and creativity, and face the individual differences between students. It also faces the problems caused by the large increase in the number of learners.
• The restriction on traditional methods does not allow students to undertake any educational activities and thus become passive.
• Traditional methods neglect reading, reading, opinion, and discussion skills among students.

The arguments that oppose the multiplicity of teaching methods with the current content:
• There is no denying the importance of diversity in teaching methods, but the courses crowded with information and knowledge, and with the large numbers of students in the classroom, it is not compatible with this content only the traditional methods, the method of dumping, and presentation.
• In order for the teacher to complete his or her intensive theoretical courses, he or she must use traditional methods of teaching.
• In the presence of large numbers within the classroom, the teacher can not follow the students' research, and review their readings, and leave the space for this number to express opinion and debate.

The Role of Educational Technologies:
The use of technology as tools for direct teaching rather than learning tools that the student learns with and not of them will be limited to a fundamental change in the educational model. E-learning systems contribute to changing the ways in which technology is used from its traditional roles as a teacher to technology as active and constructive learning tools. It is intended, original and cooperative. This necessarily entails reconsidering the role of teacher and learner in light of the implications of this new role of technology
A "class" that studies geography, for example, will be able to see satellite images showing the terrain. Students will learn about the link between the terrain and the climate, and how the various climatic conditions are created. , Such as wind, heat and other factors.

In conclusion, we can summarize the following:
1 - The impact of the concept of teaching techniques in the components of the teaching system:
If we look at the teaching system and try to analyze its components, we will reach a number of key elements such as:
(1) learning content.
(2) the teacher.
(3) the student.
(4) Learning and teaching methods.
(5) peers.
(6) learning time.
(7) Row environment.
(8) Means of assessment.
(9) Jammers or distractors.

When teaching in the light of the concept of systems and the concept of teaching techniques, we will notice that there are significant differences in the roles of teacher and learner, and in the impact of other components of the teaching organization in the case of teaching in the traditional educational system.
 In the traditional educational system, the teacher plays the first role in transmitting information to students. He interprets this information and may use the prescribed books.

In the education technology system, the teacher plans to employ a number of means to convey information to students, or to attract students to obtain information. The number and quality of these messages depend on a number of factors such as learning objectives, student level and characteristics, Educational situation, teaching strategies used, and other factors included in the teaching system.

The use of the teacher means more than one means of dealing with information that this is a kind of luxury in the use of educational techniques, but is a necessity imposed by the planning of the educational situation in order to master the learning by students.

The same educational situation is different in the system of education techniques in the traditional educational system, it reduces the verbal supply of knowledge, and activates students to exercise roles that make the educational situation more flexible, the verbal presentation is not the only form of education, but supplemented by a wide range of educational means as required by the situation Educational, and by nature of content, student characteristics, and learning objectives.

 Thus, the learner's role in the learning technology system changes to a role in which he discards negativity. Students tend to be active and participate in the learning process. They have the opportunity to express their opinions and to walk through the learning stages according to the speed of learning and the extent of their participation and activity.

It is a modern way of teaching where the teacher takes his students to the computer lab to see closely how they can benefit scientifically from running the computer and learn some lessons through these devices. This is done if the equipment is available and the laboratory is provided with all its tools and supplies.

There are some associations that have emerged after the military industries by building the curriculum so that the student keeps pace with the tremendous speed in the development of technology such as PSSC, CBA and HPP

Method of teaching based on the use of student ideas:
The Flanduz class is based on the use of student ideas to five sub-levels, summarized as follows:
A reference to the repetition of a group of names or logical relations to extract the idea as expressed by the student.
(B) To re-edit or modify the sentences by the teacher, which helps the student to develop the idea he understands.
Use an idea by the teacher to arrive at the next step in the logical analysis of the information given.
D. Find the relationship between the idea of ??the teacher and the idea of ??the student by comparing the idea of ??each.
(E) summarize the ideas that were narrated by the student or group of pupils

Teaching methods based on presentation or presentation clarity:
What is meant here is the presentation of the teacher of his scientific material clearly can be absorbed by his students, after the studies showed that the clarity of the presentation has an effective impact in the progress of student achievement, has shown one of the studies conducted on a group of students studying social sciences. They were asked to arrange the effectiveness of their teachers on a set of variables after the teacher completed the lesson over several consecutive days. The students who gave their teachers high grades in the clarity of the objectives of the material and their submission are more than those who gave their teachers lower grades in these variables.

The enthusiastic teaching method of the teacher:
Many researchers have tried to study the impact of teachers' enthusiasm as a method of teaching at the level of their students' achievement. Most studies have shown that teachers' enthusiasm is associated with significance and significance of student achievement.

In a pilot study conducted by one of the researchers, 20 teachers were given instructions to teach one lesson enthusiastically and another to study their pupils in grades 6 and 7. The results of the study showed that the average grade of students in the lessons given by Hamas was significantly higher than that in the lessons In nineteen rows of the total number of twenty rows.

It is clear that the level of teacher enthusiasm during teaching plays an influential role in the growth of the levels of achievement of his students, noting that this enthusiasm is more influential if the enthusiasm is balanced.

One way to use this method is self-learning and individual learning
As for the teaching methods, there is no better teaching method than others, there are many methods of teaching, and the teacher must choose the method that corresponds to the subject of his lesson. There are teaching methods based on student activity in a holistic manner such as problem solving, and there are methods based on the activity of the teacher to a large extent, such as the method of diction, and there is a teaching method requires great activity of the teacher and student, although the teacher is the largest activity in which the method of dialogue And there are teaching methods such as individual teaching methods such as programmed education or computer education, and there are collective teaching methods such as speech, discussion and problem solving, projects and units.

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