Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Studying abroad and in European universities is the dream of thousands of international students. Besides having a high level educational service, you get a certificate. But there may be those who can not travel abroad to study for physical reasons or for being unable to study full time. Therefore, in recent times, a method of education has been developed using modern communication mechanisms from computers, networks, multimedia and electronic libraries. This method is mainly based on communicating information to the student without the trouble of going to the study center and obtaining it through the use of this technology of all kinds in communicating information to the learner in the shortest time and effort In any case, those who wish to learn and are unable to go to the country of study or any other reason, modern technology has provided the possibility of distance learning with the same characteristics that are available in the traditional study almost.

Characteristics of distance study
In general, all the means of communication between the student and the teacher are available in addition to the possibility of interaction between the student and the teacher through the discussion (microphone) on the (blackboard) and the teacher can conduct surveys that measure the response and absorption of the student with him and the content of the scientific material. In addition to the various means of presentation, which provides the teacher the possibility of sharing different applications and display the various educational sites available on the Internet, which gives the teacher many alternatives that facilitate the delivery of information to the student. One of the most important educational advantages of distance learning is the development of positive attitudes and self-motivation for learners towards learning, making learning easier.

The methods of receiving the scientific material vary and vary as the sources of e-learning allow the student to choose between the means of receiving the scientific material that suits him, whether visible or audible or read.

E-learning is divided into two main types: the first is synchronized electronic instruction and the second is asynchronous electronic instruction. The first requires students to be in front of the computers at the same time as the teacher to hold discussions and conversation. Although this type is one of the most complex types, it requires a teacher and a student at the same time to the computer, but it allows the teacher to get an immediate response and to identify the absorption and interaction of students with him and the scientific material.

The second type is e-learning asynchronous is the opposite of the first where there is no need for the presence of learners and teacher at the same time and the pattern of learning in this type are available educational sites, CDs, e-mail, mailing lists, forums and interactive video. One of the positives of this type is that the student is studying at the right time for him and he can re-explain the course as he wishes.

Continuing the impact of the technological revolution in all fields, the designers of educational software programs have already begun to work on specialized educational programs in distance learning to ensure the positive and activity of the student while studying and attract attention to the program and subject matter and also avoid problems in the absence of the role of teacher. Examples and additional exercises that help keep the student in the right track of the learning process.

There are also many courses offered by many foreign universities through their websites such as the site of the University of Obasanid to obtain 100% certified degrees and documented according to certain fees. As well as the University of Liverpool's famous site in Britain, offers distance learning for an IT master's degree, an MBA and a University of London site that offers open education and distance learning in business administration. In addition to the site of the Arab Islamic Institute in Tokyo, which provides distance education and training in Arabic and Quran sciences.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A successful teacher enjoys his time at work, so you can quit if you hate your profession and do not enjoy teaching your material to your students. Always remember that your career of supervising your professions and educating individuals is an education for entire communities.

A successful teacher adapts to the needs of students. Communicating with them and getting close to them will give you an idea of ??the ways and means that will help you to teach them and help them overcome the difficulties they may face.

The successful teacher is committed to neutrality, do not try to impose political views on your students, you just lead the dialogue and discussion within the classroom, you should raise them the spirit of respect for the other opinion and the ABCs of constructive criticism.

A successful teacher tries to discover new teaching tools and tools. You now have a lot of digital resources, technology, and educational applications that will help you experiment with more modern and more effective teaching methods.

A successful teacher helps students overcome emotional and social problems. You do not believe that your task is only education in its limited sense. You are now responsible for a student with a particular social identity and a highly sensitive personality who needs guidance and help solve various problems.

A successful teacher brings pleasure to the classroom, especially in the early age. Playing is not contrary to learning but is a means in itself, and gives good results already.

A successful teacher does not stop learning, either to update his information or to develop himself. Many sites and educational platforms offer courses and courses in all fields and for free.

The successful teacher is open to others, learn from co-workers, consult experienced people in the field, cooperate with everyone and be your own learning network. Also use a Twitter account or another social network to learn about teachers from different countries.

The successful teacher is familiar with the material he is studying. It is unreasonable to see primitive mistakes made by the teacher and insist on the sight and hearing of his students. Try to deepen and develop your knowledge in the subject you are studying.

A successful teacher is an educated person with many things. It is not enough to be a teacher of mathematics and ignorant of everything that is happening around you. Reading newspapers, browsing news sites and learning about technological developments has become a duty for every teacher.

If you ask yourself or any student at the university about the most important thing to print your educational process or impact on the level of your educational achievement, make sure that most opinions will not remind you of a book or lecture or even a film. Instead, you will hear the name of teacher or teacher, educator or educator . This is natural because human nature requires an example and inspiration for a personality that is constantly formed, especially in the early stages of life.

All this raises the question of what a successful teacher will play the role of mediator between the learner and science on the one hand and the child and a world full of challenges and dangers on the other.

So have you ever tried to strip yourself of the constraints of work and ask yourself the crucial question: How successful are I in doing my job as a teacher?

1 - Successful teacher has clear goals, work with a clear plan and a sound curriculum with a touch of creativity is paramount.
2 - Successful teacher does not wait for immediate positive reaction or expressions of thanks and gratitude from students or their relatives will influence them to accompany them for a lifetime.
3 - The successful teacher knows when to listen to his students and when ignored, do not be despotic in the classroom and listen to your students and do not make them control the progress of things continuously.
4 - successful teacher has a positive attitude of all situations, the positive spirit reflected on the students too, so if mixed with a dose of vitality and creativity to create a general mood of optimism may lead to the desired goal.
5 - The successful teacher expects his students to achieve success, the student needs to trust in his abilities and talents, and motivates and encourages him in his career.
6 - successful teacher has the sense of humor, when you let the seriousness of excessive and create an atmosphere of fun in the classroom, it leaves a good impression in the psyche of learners may extend even after graduation from the university.
7 - The successful teacher praises his students when they deserve it, you should encourage your students and recognize their efforts but within the scope of their work, I always feel that they need to develop and that they can provide a better level.
8. The successful teacher always seeks renewal, so do not hesitate to renew blood in the classroom and use all available methods to remove the atmosphere of boredom that may prevail sometimes.
9 - successful teacher consistent with himself, do not be moody and try to make your decisions intelligently and balance, no need to confusion and let things walk smoothly and automatically studied.
10. The successful teacher communicates with parents. We have devoted an article entitled 8 Ways to ensure positive communication with parents.

1 - Method of the match
1- Concept
The debate is similar to the method of the seminar in terms of the number of members and the way it is organized ... However, the members of the debate are usually divided into two parts, each of which adopts a contrary view or opposition to the view of the second section on a particular topic.

 2. Procedures
The debate takes place in front of the learners, and may be carried out by specialized persons called by the teacher to the class, or some of the learners themselves. The debate has a leader who manages and summarizes opinions, gives equal opportunity to members to express opinions, and at the end of the debate, learners have the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss members' views.

3. Advantages of the method
The debate in teaching students to respect views contrary to their personal views.
To distinguish the individual between the direction of opinion and opinion.
The debate is useful in learning how to express the idea accurately, the ability to choose words accurately, and logical thinking and argument in persuasion.
4 - disadvantages of the method
 Do not fit all the lessons.
May lead to chaos if the teacher does not improve its organization.
May lead to intolerance of views.

2 - Method of brainstorming
1- Concept
This method raises questions for learners, who provide ideas and answers without evaluation or criticism from the teacher; criticism of ideas when asked may frustrate the individual and prevent him from generating other ideas.

The teacher divides learners into groups, each group of 5 to 10 learners, then questions them and learners provide ideas and answers without peer evaluation or criticism.

Brainstorming sessions are based on two principles:
Delayed cash beyond the completion of generating ideas.
Take advantage of the large number of ideas that ultimately generate ideas of originality and novelty.

2. Procedures
What the teacher does with his students (individually) is the same applied by the head of each group with his group (collectively):
A - The teacher chooses the training group and the number of 5 to 10 learners, have a president or a rapporteur conducting the dialogue.
The president shall define the method of brainstorming when applied for the first time to the rest of the training group.
(C) The Chairman shall remind the members of the group of the basic rules of brainstorming that they must adopt, and may write them on a panel presented to the group, such as:

- Avoid criticism of the ideas of others and do not make fun of any idea whatsoever.
- Explain your thoughts freely, spontaneously and without hesitation of any kind, level or reality.

- Ask as many ideas as possible.
- Add to the ideas of others without criticism.

D - The president opens the door to the members of the group to ask their thoughts on solving the problem, and the Secretary writes these ideas on the board or other tools of the show - the first without the registration of the names of those who ask.
When the flow of ideas stops, the president pauses for a minute to think about new ideas, read and hope for ideas, and then open the door again to new ideas of free flow and keep up-to-date, and in case of lack of ideas he tries to excite them in words or words that generate more These ideas, as he may offer is his ideas.
T - After the group has come up with the largest amount of ideas that evaluate ideas.

3. Advantages of the method
Easy to apply you do not need long training.
Economic need not cost as well as being amusing and exhilarating.
Develop creative thinking.

Develop self-confidence by offering opinions freely without fear of criticizing others.
Brainstorming helps learners to fluently express their opinion, as well as to inventive thinking, promptness, management of relationships, etc., all of which are skills and mental skills that require training.

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